
Since its foundation in 1849 the Society has promoted the preservation, study and enjoyment of archaeology, history and architecture in the historic county of Cheshire and neighbouring areas, and the understanding of these subjects generally. Membership is open to everybody who shares our interests and we welcome enquiries from individual and other societies.

Our activities include monthly lectures from the Autumn to the Spring, Summer excursions on demand, undertaking or encouraging relevant research, campaigning on local heritage issues, publication of an annual journal and a twice-yearly newsletter, and maintenance of our own specialist library.

For more information about the Chester Archaeological Society please read our About Us page

Make a Donation

In addition to membership subscriptions the Society relies on donations to support its activities.


Cave Research

The Sandstone Ridge Trust are continuing with their survey of caves, shelters and mine shafts and would welcome help
Click here for further details

Help to Stop Damage to Heronbridge Scheduled Ancient Monument

Over the past year, metal detectorists have been damaging the archaeological site at Heronbridge, which lies on both sides of Eaton Road between Heronbridge Cottage and the bridge over the A55. This is a Scheduled Ancient Monument and metal detecting there is illegal.

The site is already being watched by the Cheshire Police Rural Crime Team as part of Operation Arrowhead, which targets Heritage Crime across the country, but you can play your part as well.

Click here to find out more

Webinar: Climate Change and Historic Places: #1

With Heritage Declares calling for action, this webinar on Thursday 14th January 2021, 12-2pm will look at climate change, our heritage and its settings
Click here for further details

CAS Dissertation prize awarded to Rowena Young

We are pleased to announce that the winner of the Chester Archaeology Society Dissertation prize for 2019 is Rowena Young.
Rowena’s winning dissertation at the University of Chester entitled: Practices of Wetland Deposition in the Vale of Pickering with Reference to New Material from No Name Hill  Click here for more details

CBA free networking and training sessions

These network and training sessions take place on weekday lunchtimes
Members attention is drawn to the event of Monday 30 November “A beginners Guide to Zoom”
Click here for further details and booking information

Bog Bodies: Face to Face with the Past

Dr Giles’ lecture for the Society, delayed this year due to COVID restrictions will be delivered as a ‘virtual’ event on 6th January 2021
Click here for more details

Zoom talk by Dr Simon Elliott

Guildhall Library is inviting CAS Members to a scheduled Zoom talk on November 12 by Dr Simon Elliott.
Topic: Pertinax: The Son of a Slave Who Became Rome Emperor
To access the invitation go to the Chester Archaeological Society Lecture and Event Information in the Members’ Area

History and Archaeology Research Seminars 2020-2021

Click here to download information about the University of Chester History and Archaeology Seminars 2020-2021

CBA Newsletter – Autumn 2020

Click here to download the recent CBA Newsletter

Chester History and Heritage Newsletter

The Summer edition of the Chester History and Heritage Newsletter has been published.
Click here to download this publication