
Since its foundation in 1849 the Society has promoted the preservation, study and enjoyment of archaeology, history and architecture in the historic county of Cheshire and neighbouring areas, and the understanding of these subjects generally. Membership is open to everybody who shares our interests and we welcome enquiries from individual and other societies.

Our activities include monthly lectures from the Autumn to the Spring, Summer excursions on demand, undertaking or encouraging relevant research, campaigning on local heritage issues, publication of an annual journal and a twice-yearly newsletter, and maintenance of our own specialist library.

For more information about the Chester Archaeological Society please read our About Us page

Make a Donation

In addition to membership subscriptions the Society relies on donations to support its activities.


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Click here to download Chester Archaeological Society’s comments on CWaC Local Transport Plan 4.

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Click here to download the Chester Archaeological Society’s comments on CWaC’s Draft Heritage Strategy.

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Click here to download the Society’s comments on the erection of retirement living housing at Charterhall Drive, revised scheme dated 10 May 2023.

AGM Notification

The 2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Chester Archaeological Society will be held on Wednesday 26 April at 7:00 pm, online facilitated by Zoom.
The AGM will be followed by a series of short talks highlighting research that CAS has supported or awarded through grants and prizes.
More information can be found in the AGM Agenda available in the Members’ Area of the website available at least two weeks prior to the AGM, alongside the Zoom invitation and all the AGM papers.
The quorum for this meeting is 21 members exclusive of the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.
Our Zoom service limits attendance to 100 members, bookings are accepted on a first come first served basis

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Click here to download the Society’s on the erection of retirement living housing at Charterhall Drive, Chester

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Click here to read the Society’s comments on an application for dwellings at Fairfield Road, Chester

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Click here to download the Society’s comments on the formation of ponds and scrapes as part of an agricultural land management plan at Shotwick Lodge Farm

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Chester Antiquary 2023 Issue 1 (March)

Staffordshire Archaeology Day: 18th March 2023

This is a free event promoted by the Stoke-on-Trent Museum Archaeological Society and the Potteries Museum to showcase the Archaeology of Staffordshire (and surrounding area). On Saturday 18th March 2023, six invited speakers will present illustrated talks on recent archaeological digs from the Staffordshire area.
Click here for more details and booking information

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Click here to download the Society’s comments concerning the Chester Gateway Strategic Regeneration Framework