The number of archaeological websites is growing rapidly. Below we list a few relevant organisations, projects, directories and policy documents. We cannot be held responsible for the content of third-party sites.
Local organisations
- Birkenhead Priory
- Cheshire Archaeology
- Cheshire Archives and Local Studies
- Cheshire Local History Association
- Chester Civic Trust
- Chester Society for Landscape History
- Friends of Llandudno Museum
- Friends of North Chester Greenbelt
- Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire
- Holt Local History Society
- Llangollen Museum
- Merseyside Archaeological Society
- Oswestry & Border History & Archaeology Group
- Parkgate Society
- Stoke-on-Trent Museum Archaeological Society
- University of Chester Department of History & Archaeology
- West Kirby Museum
- Wrexham County Borough Museum & Archive
National organisations
Local information resources and projects
- Archaeodeath – A Blog on Archaeology, Mortality and Material Culture by Prof Howard Williams (University of Chester)
- Cheshire Community Heritage Directory
- Cheshire Extensive Urban Survey
- Cheshire Historic Landscape Characterisation Project
- Cheshire West Online Collections
- Habitats and Hillforts Project
- List of Current Publications on the Archaeology of Chester
- List of Publications of Development-led Fieldwork in Cheshire
- Locally Listed Buildings – Cheshire East
- Locally Listed Buildings – Cheshire West
- Mapping Medieval Chester: Place and Identity in an English Borderland City c 1200-1500
- Merseyside Historic Environment Record (Type ‘Merseyside’ into the Quick Search box)
- Meols: The Archaeology of the North Wirral Coast
- Offa’s Dyke collaboratory: A Research Network for Offa’s Dyke, Wat’s Dyke and Early Medieval Western Britain
- Online maps of Cheshire and Ogilby’s road maps
- PAS Cheshire county Page
- Project Eliseg
- ‘Revealing Cheshire’s Past’ (Sites and Monuments Record)
- Townscape within the Walls (O Bott)
- The Rows of Chester: The Chester Rows research project
- Victoria History of the Counties of England
National information resources
- Aerial Archaeology Mapping Explorer
- Antique Maps Online
- Archaeology Data Service
- ArchLib – Online Library of Publications for Archaeology
- Atlas of Hillforts of Britain and Ireland
- Britannia Monograph Series
- British and Irish Archaeological Bibliography
- Council for British Archaeology Research Reports
- Cambridge Air Photos
- CBA Guide to UK Archaeology on line
- Coin Hoards of the Roman Empire
- Corpus of Anglo-Saxon Stone Sculpture Click on Catalogue and select Volume IX for Lancashire and Cheshire
- Corpus of Romanesque Sculpture in Britain and Ireland
- Council for British Archaeology Research Reports
- Cult of Saints in Late Antiquity (CSLA) database
- Journal of Roman Studies Monograph Series
- Key to English Place Names
- List of Historic Place Names of Wales
- National Roman Fabric Reference Collection
- Pastscape: National Record of the Historic Environment
- Roman Inscriptions of Britain vol 1
- Rural Settlement of Roman Britain
- Tabulae Vindolandenses vols 1 and 2
- Theoretical Archaeology Group 40th Conference December 2018, videos of presentations
- University of Manchester Image Collections
- Welsh Journals Online
Local policies and advice
- Archaeological Research Framework for Chester
- Chester Archaeological Plan
- Chester Archaeological Character Zones
- Chester Characterisation Study
- Chester One City Plan
- Cheshire West and Chester Landscape Sensitivity Study
- Cheshire West and Chester Landscape Strategy
- Cheshire West and Chester Local Plan (Part One): Strategic Policies
- Cheshire West and Chester Local Plan (Part Two) Land Allocations and Detailed Policies
- The North West England Regional Research Framework
National policies and advice
- Historic England
- Advice page for an extensive range of Historic England’s expert advice
- Conservation Principles, Policies and Guidance
- Draft Action Plan 2015-18
- Historic Environment Good Practice Advice in Planning Note 1: The Historic Environment in Local Plans
- Historic Environment Good Practice Advice in Planning Note 2: Managing Significance in Decision-Taking in the Historic Environment
- Historic Environment Good Practice Advice in Planning Note 3: The Setting of Heritage Assets
- Land Contamination and Archaeology
- Organic Residues Analysis and Archaeology
- Sustainable Growth of Cathedral Cities and Historic Towns
- Introduction to Standards and Guidance in Archaeological Practice
- National Design Guide
- National Model Design Code
- National Planning Policy Framework, revised July 2018
- National Planning Practice Guidance
- Street Design for All: An Update of National Advice and Good Practice
- You’ve Got the Power: A Quick and Simple Guide to Community Rights
- Beginner’s Guide to Starting a Family Tree Online
- Cheshire Archives and Local Study: Family History
- Billiongraves
- Genealogy and the Law
- How to Travel to Find Your Roots
- Military Indexes
- Resources for Military Families
- Top 100 Genealogy Sites
- Researching your family’s history from shups passenger lists
- House History and Genealogy