Between the Autumn and Spring (usually September to May) we organise a programme of monthly lectures on Wednesday evenings and Saturday afternoons; these are held in the Lecture Theatre of the Grosvenor Museum or online via Zoom.
Our lectures cover a wide range of topics and are given by speakers who are experts in their field. In addition, conferences are occasionally organised in partnership with other organisations. Admission to lectures is free to members of the Society. Visitors are welcome on payment of an admission fee, normally £5.00. Students are given free entry with a valid student card (except Newstead lecture).
If you are not a member and would like to attend any of the lectures listed, why not join CAS for £20 or £10 for a student member. This will provide you with free access to CAS lectures all year round
Click here to find out more about membership
Please familiarise yourself with CAS’s Zoom etiquette guide here
Wednesday 2nd October, 2024: Exton Park Campus, Westminster Building CWE018 (ground floor, room 18), 15:00.
Directions to the Westminster Building at the University of Chester
Lecture: ‘Christianity before Conversion’
Speaker: Helen Gittos
Saturday 19th October, 2024: Grosvenor Museum, 14:00
Lecture: ‘Shamanism in pre-Christian Scandinavia’
Speaker: Clive Tolley
Wednesday 6th November, 2024: Zoom, 19.30
Lecture: ‘What Lies Beneath’
Speaker: Katy Soar
Wednesday 4th December, 2024: Zoom, 19:30
Lecture: ‘Heronbridge Excavations 2002-05: The Roman Phases’
Speaker: David Mason
Wednesday 8th January, 2025: Zoom, 19:30
Lecture: ‘Warrington Excavations’
Speaker: Kirsty Lloyd
Wednesday 5th March, 2025: Zoom, 19:30
Lecture: ‘Rethinking the Hillforts of Iron Age Wales’
Speaker: Toby Driver
Saturday 3rd May, 2025: Grosvenor Museum, 14:00
Lecture: ‘Historic Building Mythbusting’
Speaker: James Wright
A List of Lectures from the 2022-2023 Chester Archaeological Society Lecture Season
“Adders, Ammonites and Jet: The Cult of St Hild in the Middle Ages”
Presented by: Dr Thomas Pickles, Senior Lecturer in Medieval History University of Chester and Chester Archaeological Society Chair
“New insights into old hoards: Do the Bronze Age and Iron Age hoards of Wales and the Marches suggest a selective and reflective continuum of depositional practice?”
Presented by: Andrew Reynolds, doctoral researcher at the Department of Archaeology, University of Reading and retired Senior Lecturer at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David
“The Archaeology of Wirral”
Presented by: Dr Rob Philpott, University of Liverpool
“The early medieval period in the Welsh Marches – the material evidence”
Presented by: Pauline Magdalene Clarke, Postgraduate Researcher,
University of Chester
“Beacon Ring”
Presented by: Dr Paul Belford, Clwyd-Powys Archaeological Trust
“Recording the Past for Our Future: The Portable Antiquities Scheme in Cheshire”
Presented by: Heather Beeton, Finds Liaison Officer for Cheshire, Greater Manchester and Merseyside
“Prehistory and Afterlives: Reconstructing the Biography of the Pillar of Eliseg, an early medieval cross in north Wales”
Presented by: Professor Nancy Edwards, School of History, Law and Social Sciences, Bangor University
“Commerce and Consumers: The Ubiquitous Chest of the Late Middle Ages”
Presented by: Dr Katherine Wilson, Associate Professor of Later Medieval European History, University of Chester
”Sacred or Profane? An Archaeological Reappraisal of Late Medieval Sexual Badges”
Presented by: Sarah Hinds, Doctoral Researcher at the University of York
Make a Donation
In addition to membership subscriptions the Society relies on donations to support its activities.
Where possible our lectures and short talks are recorded and made available on our website and YouTube channel.
Below you can see the recorded lectures from the 21/22 series: